art work, art, music, Family, Family time, inspiration, mom life, mum life

The creative opportunity

Dahl had a routine to make his work happen. He would sequester himself for 7 hours a day, evidence not only of his commitment but also his privilege. I don’t disagree, I think however creativity, whether writing, painting, whatever needs to be far more opportunistic for most people. I’m thinking here of JK Rowling who wrote while the baby slept, while the dishes sat unwashed, who wrote in cafes as it was too cold at home. I have little bags of kit that I have with me all the time so that if I have a spare moment, I’m ready.

Why? Because few of us have that sort of privilege, especially women and honestly, I don’t want to lock myself away and miss seeing my most important, beautiful creation grow. I am no less committed to my art, my other work because of that, I just need to be better organised.

It takes discipline and planning; sometimes I’m not feeling creative at all but there is always something to move the work forward. This is something I share regularly with my students who might not at that moment not feel at all creative, who might honestly do their best work at night rather than in the allotted slot for that subject. There is so much more to the creation of the work than the just the final articulation of work, so much necessary back story… don’t waste a moment…

art, music, inspiration

Songs that sing in my heart #2

Who inspires me? Alison Moyet for one! I was lucky enough to see her at #GlastonburyFestival a few years ago. I was right near the front… very important for a short ass like me.

She was amazing and her performance of this song was electric ⚡️. Loved her voice since Yazoo all that power and emotion.

This is a great song – Right as Rain love the lyrics, her voice, the synths all of it. And I wish I could write songs that you can dance to, but I don’t, yet.

If you can’t find peace in my arms
Find dis-ease in my arms
As you please in my arms